Mayfair movers and Parklane shakers

West End cruisers and Marble Arch shishas Big wheel spinners and jackpot winners

Mischief makers and fortune shapers

Glamorous observers and ready-to-learners Good-time lovers and hangover recoverers

Thrill-seekers and daydream believers

The ever victorious and the touch notorious Raffish rebels and sports bet trebles

Football fanatics and lovers of tactics

Romantic diners and up-all-the-timers Wistful idealists and straight-up surrealists

Fresh-faced newbies and old school beauties

Slick entertainers and new world creators Bar-to-bar hoppers and big-time shoppers

The cocktail shakers and the deal makers

The late night baristas and hedonistas Online gamers and freedom campaigners

The all-day brunchers and midnight munchers

Tournament buddies and old English luvvies Poker players and roulette ball prayers

Slot machine sitters and ones dressed in glitters The winning streakers and adventure seekers

The A Lister types reaching new heights And the Aces, Jacks, Kings, and Queens

Who love city life, its ins, outs, and betweens.